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Training and Equipping people to fulfill their purpose!
Family is the link to our past and the bridge to our future.
Phillip is a 2nd degree Black belt in Tae kwon do, a Sifu black sash in Wing Chung and Black shirt advanded escrimador
Glen A. Spence is the owner and Master Instructor. He started his martial arts training in 1971 studying Tae Kwon Do under the linage of Grand Master Hun Soo Kim and has reached 5th degree black belt. He entered the Army National Guard in 1982 and active duty in 1985. During his career he served numerous tours overseas. Master Spence served a total of 30 years in the military and was awarded (3) Meritorious Service Medals, the Bronze Star and the Legion Merit.
During his assignment to Hawaii in 2003, Master Spence and his children Gilead, Samuel, Nathaniel and Naomi began their study of the Filipino Martial Art of Pedoy Escrima under the teaching of Grandmaster Tyrone Takahashi, grandson the the Great Grandmaster Braulio Pedoy, founder of the "Pedoy Style" and School of Escrima in Hawaii. In 2015 Master Spence and Gilead Spence continued their Derobio Escrima training under SGM Gary Largo, CGM Leslie Largo, GM Carlton Kramer and Chief Mater Knut Peacock of General Ablen's School of Derobio Escrima, Honolulu.HI. He holds the rank of "Masterr 7th Deg". Applied Martial Academy is a Certified branch of the Ablen School of Derobio Escrima, Master Spence was the 2018 double Gold medalist and GSBA World Champion in padded stick fighting and forms for his age division.
Master Spence also studies and teaches Applied Wing Chun Kung-fu, taught by Sigung Larry Saccoia. Master Spence has competed in various Martial Arts tournaments winning numerous trophies and belts in Point Sparing and Forms. He was formally appointed the first and only "Disciple" of Sigung Larry Saccoia.
Master Spence is an honorable man of high morals and godly character. He is strong in his Christian faith and is highly respected by his students, friends, peers and teachers. He is known for his friendliness, Martial Arts expertise and willingness to help others. He has been married to Shelley for 34+ years and is the father of five children and proud "Grandpa" of ten grandchildren. Gilead, Samuel, Naomi and Nathaniel are Black Belts.